The Föld Recipes

Batido dos Incas: Energia Física, Mental e Sexual Num Só Copo

Smoothie of the Incas

A shake for better physical, mental and... sexual performance! An authentic 3 in 1.

Smoothie of the Incas

A shake for better physical, mental and... sexual performance! An authentic 3 in 1.

Batido Pequeno-Almoço Energia & Vitaminas

Energy & Vitamins Breakfast Shake

No time to prepare a good breakfast? You've arrived at the right place!

Energy & Vitamins Breakfast Shake

No time to prepare a good breakfast? You've arrived at the right place!

Lanche Saboroso e Energético com Cenoura e Framboesas

Carrot, Raspberry & Energy Snack

Just prepare it in the morning and take it in a container to enjoy mid-afternoon. A complete, colorful, tasty and healthy snack!

Carrot, Raspberry & Energy Snack

Just prepare it in the morning and take it in a container to enjoy mid-afternoon. A complete, colorful, tasty and healthy snack!

Bolo de Caneca Coração Saudável

Healthy Heart Mug Cake

An easy-to-make mug cake, with ingredients that are good for the heart!

Healthy Heart Mug Cake

An easy-to-make mug cake, with ingredients that are good for the heart!

Molho de Cânhamo com Couve-Flor

Hemp Sauce with Cauliflower

In just 30 minutes, you will have a healthy and vitamin sauce. Great to accompany a tasty and healthy meal.

Hemp Sauce with Cauliflower

In just 30 minutes, you will have a healthy and vitamin sauce. Great to accompany a tasty and healthy meal.

Bowl de Sementes Nutritivo e Delicioso

Seed Bowl

Bowls are now in fashion and they look amazing! If you've never tried it and are now reading this recipe, it's time to try it.

Seed Bowl

Bowls are now in fashion and they look amazing! If you've never tried it and are now reading this recipe, it's time to try it.