Batido Verde Frescura & Vitalidade

Green Freshness & Vitality Smoothie

We usually hear about green smoothies and run away! This is not the case: tasty and with benefits in terms of well-being and vitality.

- 3 tablespoons of Fold Vital Hemp (one is for topping)
- 1 peeled kiwi
- 1 slice of fresh pineapple
- 1 mint leaf
- 1 thin slice of ginger
- 1 handful of baby spinach
- 100 ml of coconut water

In a mixing glass, grind all the ingredients until you have a homogeneous texture. Pour into a glass and sprinkle with a tablespoon of whole hemp seeds (Föld Vital Hemp).

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We are what we eat!

A 'cliché' that is very true! Föld functional foods are tasty and easy to integrate into your routine. Try the Föld products that best suit you and your needs.

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