Pesto de sementes de Cânhamo

Hemp seed pesto

We present a delicious Hemp Seed Pesto. Tasty on its own, but also as an accompaniment to a salad or pasta.

Will need:

- 1/2 cup of pine nuts

- 1/4 cup of Föld Vital Hemp

- 4 cups of fresh basil leaves

- 2 small garlic cloves

- 1/2 lemon juice

– 2 tablespoons of hemp oil

- 1 pinch of salt

Step by step:

- Place the Föld Vital Hemp in a crusher or food processor, along with the pine nuts, basil leaves, garlic cloves and lemon juice;

- Mix until it forms a crunchy paste with an appetizing texture;

- Then slowly add the hemp oil while continuing to grind the remaining ingredients, until you reach the desired consistency. We recommend that this is pasty, however it is up to you;

- Finally, add salt to your taste;

- Ready to enjoy!

A quick, easy and effective recipe! Capable of immediately giving another flavor to your dish.

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