Regular physical exercise brings many benefits, especially for the health of cardiovascular patients.
Cardiovascular diseases continue to be one of the main causes of mortality in Portugal and Europe, and it has been proven that physical exercise plays a fundamental role in preventing them, as:
- Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol;
- Improves the ability to absorb and use oxygen;
- Increases energy levels;
- Improves sleep quality;
- Helps with stress control;
In this way, physical exercise is good for your health in general, also specifically helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, there are specific sports that benefit cardiac function, such as Swimming, Tennis, Dancing, Pilates and Aerobic Activities. These modalities are full of benefits for the heart and joints, being dynamic and fun, while stimulating better blood circulation.
It's time to start doing physical activity. However, you should always consult your cardiologist and sports medicine doctor, so that physical activity is best suited for you. After informing yourself, it is also important that, when carrying out the recommended physical activity, you follow the following advice:
- Always warm up before starting your workout and stretch when you finish;
- Maintain physical activity on a regular basis, increasing its duration from week to week;
- Do not exercise right after meals;
- Always hydrate yourself well before, during and after physical activity.
If you have a cardiovascular patient, you should exercise. If not, it is important that you also do so, for the sake of prevention and due to the various benefits that physical activity provides, both in terms of the health of the body, as well as on a mental and psychological level.